Reminders to the Twenty-One Year Old Eating Breakfast Alone at the Kitchen Table

By Kaci MoDavis

  1. Not everything is meant to feel like war. Eating alone doesn’t mean others don’t want to join you. Finish your orange juice and remember everyone’s appetite for life isn’t identical.  

  2. The yogurt is just as important as the crisp blueberries rolling in the bowl; fuck any calorie-counter who tells you differently. 

  3. Breathe.  

  4. You’ll wish you savored this silence once you’re older and consumed by life’s thunderous applause. Pay attention to the birds that swoop by the smudged window; listen for sounds of life beyond the walls of your solitude.  

  5. Trying to write is worth more than not writing at all.  

  6. Your mom remembered to buy the agave nectar, not the honey your stomach can’t tolerate. Thank her for it later.  

  7. Don’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Jar it and stock upon the shelves. 

  8. The world is too big for your voice to be so quiet; use this time to charge your vocal chords for later confrontation.