Envy of Mountain Goats, or, a Feeling You Could Only Experience Once

By Grady Curtis

the s i l e  n   c    e 

in the woods is 



there are no mosquitos here;
 they cannot survive in these winds 


i am                                                                                                                                out of place.
 i was not meant to be here. 

not in this form 


something is missing from my chest

something is missing from my chest


will you help me find it?  


there is a quivering voice in the wind:


 the mountains are home to the gods 


i want to scream but the trees have stolen my voice 


the mountains are home to the gods, 

      they hiss.


i do not belong here but i am home. 


the mountain goats are shedding and ugly and I am envious of them. 

the bears are climbing in the trees and I am envious of them. 


i am


something that should never have been found 



there is a voice in the back of my skull. 

it is growing louder and louder 

whispering with the voices of the things i have killed: 


the mountains are home to the gods 


and i feel the wind and i scream back: 


the mountains are home to the gods and me 

Grady Curtis is a creative writing major with an ecology minor. They live in New Hampshire with their two dogs and enjoy painting in their free time.